Episode 5: Genesis Whispers

It’s almost like it’s tucked in there, secreted away from the first chapter of the book of Genesis.  If you’re not familiar, the first chapter of Genesis gives the account of creation:  six days of dividing and combining, breathing in and pushing out, letting and getting. It was a bunch of work, and the cosmos continues to expand. The first word of God continues its echo in a whisper that feels like a shout.

But wait, it’s the second chapter that really is difficult.  It’s also the first time God does something that people can do, too.  Genesis 1 is completely off limits, deity stuff—Genesis 2:2 is available, and we prefer to avoid being God-like: “And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.” Some say it’s repetitive, but I like to think of it as poetic.

There’s a rhythm to all this, right?


Rest from work.


Rest from work.

By the middle of November, Emma was ready for a little ‘rest from work.’  Emma’s school calendar provides a few days for Thanksgiving Break, and we decided we’d just be greedy about it and take the whole week. 

She’d been through it.

My word, the work. And the fun and the laughter and energy and the tears and the sickness and the healing and the friends and the former friends.  I was exhausted, and I’ve already passed ninth grade. 

No telling how Emma felt.

Emma needed the rest. 

When I say ‘rest’ we might think of fruity umbrella drinks and the ostentatious use of hammocks.  Actually, we treated it more like ‘arREST.’ As in, you don’t have a choice, you will stop, we will not take any work just to catch up on anything.  We’ll stop it.  Emma needed that.  Just. Stop.

So, we fled.The core four from the beginning: Emma, Jonah, Sunday, and Me. Hopped a plane and flew to Florida. Not a bad place to skip school, eh? Emma won’t have perfect attendance, but that’s never been the goal.

Matt Towles